O.P.A. believes in a simple motto that why should you, as a client, get
the same treatment as the neighbour beside you? Well the answer to that would be “No, you should not! Every property is different as so may be your needs of services…” First, we analyze the need and the intensity of enforcement services and the potential that will benefit our clients. Secondly, we develop a specialized system that will fit your needs.
This system will give instant control to the Condominium Board and/or Property Manager over the service being performed and make sure that there are no surprises when it comes to enforcing a parking violation. Once a system had been developed, the property has been assessed (appropriate signage) and approved for enforcement; you will be ready for enforcement.
We offer a vast variety of owners’ options they can choose from, whether it’s tagging (ticketing) and/or towing combined. Should your property require Pay& Display machines, signs, permits, call-in services and
e-mail, we’re a one-stop-shop.
We have also developed several unique and simple ways to obtain permits and vehicle registration ways that are convenient for visitors and/or tenants.
When our officers are on site, they will make sure that your needs have been met as we believe in quality of our work, not quantity of the tickets issued. Our officers are paid by the hour(not by the amount tickets issued), so whether it takes the officer to check the property an hour or 10 minutes, s/he will conduct a proper patrol regardless of how long it takes.
Ontario Parking Authority recognizes the importance of the service we are called upon to perform and act with a deep sense of responsibility and integrity.